Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dream Drive Light Novel

Jackson hated high school. But today, he wasn't worried about that. Today, he wasn't worried about anything. Nothing could go wrong today. before him is a machine that could transport a human being into a virtual world.


  1. This needs to go viral. Seriously one of the best novels ive ever read...
    Andrew would you please finish it? I've been checking back for updates for 4 months now...and am on the edge of my seat. Havn't been this excited for a book in a long time.
    Thank you for your work on this project so far... and if you can figure out a way to put it on Amazon (or make this book one and put book "2" on amazon), I will faithfully word of mouth this book to all my fellow book worms.

  2. Andrew ive been checking back monthly for updates. Do you have a projected timeline? And will you be releasing it on Amazon?

  3. another good writer who pulls a jimmy haffa. why do all the good ones go the jimmy haffa route?
